This is the third in a series requested by clients who wanted help with food addictions and out of control eating. Be patient, I will get to what a healthy diet looks like. When I watched the documentary Food For Change (2012) made by doctors, scientists, and health experts they stated that the … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2015
Obesity Complications
The Price We Pay What exactly do we pay for with each mouthful of food we overeat? What does it cost us when we consume more calories than we expend in movement and exercise? It costs us a great deal more than we realize. We now know obesity costs over 500,000 cancer cases each year (breast, … [Read more...]
Greetings, everyone! Hope your day is being blessed. Thought for today: When will we ever learn that there are no hopeless situations, only people who have grown hopeless about them? What appears as an unsolvable problem to us is actually a rather exhilarating challenge. People who inspire … [Read more...]
Meditation for the Day
Greetings, everyone! Meditation for the day: I want to be at one with the Divine Spirit of the universe. I will set my deepest affections on things spiritual, not on things material. As we think, so we are. So I will think of and desire that which will help, not hinder, my spiritual growth. I … [Read more...]
Stages of Change
Obesity and Eating Disorders Stages of Change I am going to be sending out ongoing information each week for those who requested help with their “food out of control” and “out of control eating.” This will also be printed to my website each Wednesday or Thursday, … [Read more...]