Depression: Depression signals words that are not spoken, boundaries that are not respected, needs that are not met, and that hope is lost. There are several types of depression addressed in counseling: major, chronic, atypical, postpartum, bi-polar, seasonal, psychotic, and serotonin deficiency. Dr. Baker guides you in returning to a previous level of effective functioning.
Life Assessment: A life assessment is done on a time-line and covers significant events, life turns, roads not taken, births, deaths, etc. Dr. Baker helps you make sense of your life and set goals for the future.
Financial Stress: Loss of income, indebtedness, overdue bills, uncontrolled spending, priority problems, and lack of self-discipline are all part of financial stress. Dr. Baker has a tried and true technique she uses to help you achieve financial freedom.
Life Coaching: Life Coaching covers all aspects of your life and helps you to get out of your stuck places. Dr. Baker has a formula that she uses in her life coaching that gets you in touch with your strengths and weaknesses.
Life Transitions: Our lives are full of transitions – empty nest, job loss, new marriage, death, children, separations, etc. Dr. Baker helps you put a treatment plan in place that offers structure and stability.
Anger Management: Dr. Baker guarantees if you follow a few steps, learn a few techniques, and apply grace and forgiveness, you can eliminate angry reactions. She helps you recognize and appropriately express angry feelings in a calm manner.
Addictions: Addiction counseling covers many addictions: food, gambling, alcohol, drugs, pornography, spending, anger/rage, tobacco, etc. Dr. Baker helps you see what stage of the addiction you are in, and how to find a way out. She puts into place a treatment plan for a sustained recovery. Dr. Baker also offers drug and alcohol testing with immediate, accurate results.
Couples Counseling: Dr. Baker takes a pro-marriage approach and helps you learn healthy communication, conflict resolution, negotiation, and respect.
Domestic Violence: When there is violence in any form, Dr. Baker takes a no-nonsense approach in counseling that sets “hands off” boundaries. Keeping the victim(s) safe is her primary goal. She guides you in developing a healthy respect for social norms, the rights of others, and peace in the home.
Parenting: Dr. Baker helps put family rules, limits, boundaries, and guidelines in place along with rewards to help families regain control and respect. Through this process in counseling she also helps you strengthen the parental team and bring hope to the family.
Anxiety: Anxiety is often free-floating, coming out of nowhere, has no logical explanation and is often called worry and fretting. There are several types of anxiety disorders Dr. Baker addresses: Panic Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobias, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Dr. Baker helps you to reduce the overall level, frequency, and intensity of the anxiety so that daily functioning is not impaired.
Grief Counseling: Dr. Baker uses Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s approach and helps you see exactly where you are in the grief process and the stages you will still go through. She also builds a baseline to measure growth that is useful in subsequent sessions.
Eating Disorders: Eating disorders are serious behavior problems. They include:
- Anorexia nervosa, in which you become too thin, but you don’t eat enough because you think you are fat
- Bulimia nervosa, involving periods of overeating followed by purging, sometimes through self-induced vomiting or using laxatives
- Binge-eating, which is out-of-control eating
Dr. Baker helps you restore normal eating patterns, body weight, balanced fluid and electrolytes, and a realistic perception of body size.
Family Conflict: Family conflicts are about power struggles, who is right and who is wrong, who is first, who is last, who is to blame, who is a victim, etc. Dr. Baker helps you to restore a reasonable level of family connectedness and harmony when this is possible. She works with your family as a whole helping to define roles, rules, developmental stages, and more.
Codependency: Codependency counseling helps you focus on self-care versus self-neglect, healthy boundaries, detachment, and refocusing your life.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Whenever a traumatic event has happened in your life it often leaves you traumatized with specific measurable symptoms. Dr. Baker does a Critical Incident Debriefing, and incorporates a step by step trauma counseling strategy that promotes healing and eventual acceptance of the event.
Payment for services must be made at the time of service. If you have insurance, our office (upon request) can provide a form for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. If we can assist you in submitting a claim to your insurance company, please let us know. For the convenience provided you with credit card service, there is a nominal $5 transaction fee.