What we live with we learn. What we learn we practice. What we practice we become. According to the Karpman Drama Triangle there are three dysfunctional drama roles that are taken until we find recovery. It takes introspection and insight into ourselves to see if we are caught up in one of these roles with someone else who is also playing a role. Healing requires stepping out of the triangle and years of counseling and hard work to stop playing any of the roles. Abusers want the power over you and demand calling the shots. Rescuers want absolutely no trouble and avoid all forms of confrontation. Victims play the martyr and try to get attention by feeling sorry for themselves and complaining. We often learn these roles in our families of origin or from our caretakers. Remember anything that is learned can be unlearned. You can learn how to NOT be a victim, rescuer, or an abuser (persecutor). To learn more about the dynamics of the triangle and roles feel free to write or call me.
Blessings on freedom from dysfunction!