Being positive and happy are learned skills. Advertisement teaches us to not be content with what we have or who we are because according to them, we will not be happy until we own “such and such” or wear “this or that”. So we become externally focused for our happiness.
True happiness comes from inside; the building of character, resilience, and a disciplined mind. This puts the responsibility on us – not the vehicle we drive or the clothing we wear. We focus internally. Here are a few tips to help you acquire the skill of optimism:
1. Challenge how you look at a situation. Try to see the positive or the lesson in the situation. This is called reframing.
2. When in the face of adversity, don’t react. Think, think, think! Problem solve.
3. Use “thought stopping” if the negative comes in.
4. Try to avoid negative, “Debbie Downer” people.
5. Ask yourself, “Is this where I want to put my time and energy right now?”
6. Make yourself think of three things you are grateful for right now, or throughout the day.
7. Use self-talk to congratulate yourself on what you got accomplished.
8. Think of the last three people you interacted with and ask yourself, “Did I give good eye contact? Did I listen with my heart? Was I able to say something positive and uplifting to them? Did I find one thing I could compliment them on?”
Be a student of optimism and major in happiness!
Dr. Baker