"I will praise the LORD, who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs me." Psalm 16:7 When you're faced with a decision, you have a kind counselor in God's Word. Open the Bible, because in it God has revealed His will and His guidelines for the lives of His people, a necessary foundation for … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2014
Start Changing How You See Yourself In Three’s
What are the three most important qualities about you as a person? What are the three most important assets your partner brings to your relationship? What are the three most important qualities about you as a husband/wife and as a parent? List three things you most appreciate about your … [Read more...]
Where do you want to go today?
Seek delight today! Wear comfortable clothing only Play soft soothing music Fill your environment with pleasant aromas Eliminate clutter from your life Make no commitments out of fear, obligation or guilt (FOG) Get a vase of fresh flowers … [Read more...]
Happiness Is Possible!
Don’t gossip or talk negatively about others Have six months living expenses in an easily accessible account Laugh out loud every day Live in the geographical location of your choice Surround yourself with beautiful things … [Read more...]